Friday, September 13, 2019

Druid's Curse 6 Cover Reveal and Pre-order!

Hi everyone!

Mind Over Matter, Druid's Curse 6, is coming September 27, 2019!  Here is the awesome cover by Harris Channing!

Who would have thought there was something more horrifying than an indoor boy being forced to live in the Amazon? Yet, there was. In fact, the more descriptive word would be mind-numbingly terrifying. That it was brought into his life by a drop dead gorgeous man claiming he was there to protect Wylie, only made everything that much more surreal.

Since the first druid came into their lives, Fritjof prayed he would never meet the druid that was destined to be his fated love. He knew that emotion would always lead to devastation and heartache. He’d seen it, experienced it, when his mother disowned him for not being able to save his father.

But what happens when the Fae goes after someone they both love? Will they be able to find a way to trust in each other? Are some things impossible to overcome or is it Mind Over Matter?

PLEASE NOTE: Although each book in this series focuses on a different couple, to best enjoy the overall story arc, these books SHOULD be read in order.

Pre-Order HERE!

If you haven't signed up for my newsletter, you missed out on a great exclusive reveal of the next cover in the Druid's Curse Series! Make sure you sign up to get exclusive content, contests, and short out-takes (coming soon) in the Cedar Falls and Paranormal Wars Series!

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